HomeAirline CareerThe 10 aviation facts you should know!

The 10 aviation facts you should know!

There are many departments in the aviation sectors that you are aware of but there are many aviation facts that are often ignored by commoners; There are probably no people who would deny the importance of aviation in today’s fast-moving world. The question is how much do we know about aviation? Have you ever wondered how many parts the aircraft that you are sitting in is made of? Or what do pilots eat? Undoubtedly, I know the majority of you will wonder about such questions but do not worry here is a blog on some interesting aviation facts.

Flying has become a normal part of our everyday lives in the last few decades — even though it’s said that only five percent of the global population has ever been on an airplane. We don’t usually give it much thought, we get safely to our destination. It’s a fascinating business, and I’d like to share a couple of the most interesting aviation facts.

Being an Avgeek, I often come through many interesting aviation facts that are generally not common. There are a lot of scope and job opportunities in this sector. To know about it, visit Aeronefs. So let us take a look at some of the aviation facts:

1. What navigation lights do airplanes use?

Aviation facts on navigation lights
Aircraft navigation lights | Source: Pixbay

You can find a red (port) light on the left wing and a green (starboard) light on the right-wing to signal which way the plane is positioned. Interestingly, the word “port” was only used after 1844 when the Royal Navy adopted it in place of the word “larboard”. One would have thought that the common sense to avoid confusion would have come about earlier!

There’s also a white flashing light to signal that the aircraft is on the move, similar to hovercraft or hydrofoils on water which displays a flashing yellow light to emphasize the high speed at which the aircraft travel. Aviation facts like these should be known by all!

2. It is impossible to lock yourself in the bathroom

Have you ever noticed how the flight attendants flip a little switch on the lavatory door before takeoff and landing? That switch locks the door so it won’t fly open and can be flipped on or off at any time. So if they think you’re doing any suspicious activities like smoking a cig, they can fully barge in and bust you. 

3. Your flight crew only get paid when you’re in the air

For reasons stipulated in those collective bargaining agreements you hear about during airline strikes, pilots and flight attendants only get paid for the hours the plane is in the air. Meaning, it’s not their fault if your flight’s been delayed or you’re stuck sitting on the tarmac.

4. Aviation facts on world’s busiest commercial airport

The busiest commercial airport in the world is the Hartsfield- Jackson Airport (ATL) in Atlanta,  with more than 970.000 airplane movements a year. Based on its passenger traffic this airport has been the busiest since 1998, and by the number of landings and take-offs – since 2005. The Hartsfield–Jackson has held its ranking as the world’s busiest airport in 2012, too, both in terms of the number of passengers and the number of flights, In the year alone it was visited by95 million passengers (more than 260,000 passengers daily).

5. How much wiring is there on a plane?

An average Boeing 747 aircraft has over 150 miles (240 kilometers) of wires inside its body or roughly the distance between Amsterdam and the south of Belgium. The longest wiring, however, that can be found in an airplane is in the double-decker plane Airbus A380 — its 320 miles of cables would stretch as far as Karnataka to Mumbai.

6. That little hole in the plane window might save your life

Aviation facts on aircraft window
Aircraft Window | Source: Pixabay

Have you ever noticed that little hole in the bottom of your window? That’s the breather hole, and besides keeping in warm air so you don’t get too chilly, it regulates pressure — ensuring that should anything happen to the outer pane of the window, the pressure won’t cause the inner pane to break, at which point you’d suddenly be sucking in oxygen at 35,000 feet. Consider it phase 1 before you get to the masks. 

7. What is the fastest airplane in the world?

Concorde might have been fast but not as fast as the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird which has held the record of the fastest manned jet aircraft since 1976, flying at 2,193 miles per hour (over 3,500 kph). It’s a type of a military spy plane, operating at high speeds and altitudes (85,000 feet or 25,900 meters above sea level). Developed in the 1960s, the Lockheed SR-71 was designed to be fast enough to outpace missiles.

To know more about such aviation facts follow Aeronefs.

8. The toilets are actually vacuums

Unlike your toilet at home that siphons water down into the sewer, airplane toilets are basically vacuums: a valve opens when you flush, and the air pressure sucks what’s in the bowl down into a tank located in the tail of the plane. It uses about half a gallon of water and can flush in any direction. But older planes with outdated toilet systems are still up there flying, hence the occasional reports of raw frozen sewage falling from the sky. This might be the weirdest aviation fact you have heard!

9. How long does the oxygen in an emergency mask last?

Aviation facts oxygen masks
Closeup view of oxygen cylinders at aircraft | Source: istock photos

The oxygen masks provided from above your seat in case of an emergency are designed to give out only 15 minutes of oxygen, enough to allow the pilot to lower the altitude of the plane to a level where the outside air pressure is breathable (around 10,000 feet or 3,000 meters).

10.The tail is the safest place to be during a crash

Again, plane crashes are totally rare. But a 2007 study by Popular Mechanics looked at 36 years of NTSB crash data and found the back of the plane gave passengers the best chance for survival. It’s also the most strategically advantageous for befriending your flight attendant and getting free things! Last off the plane wins first in the game of life. 

Aviation has always been an interesting field, starting from its discovery to its developments and still developing and evolving to know about future aircraft design click here.

Entering the Aviation industry it is good to know about aviation facts. I hope all aviators will have more in their stocks of aviation facts, please feel free to comment.

To know more about interesting aviation facts and to get verified aviation jobs follow Aeronefs.

Soudeep Chatterjeehttps://csoudeep.wixsite.com/website
Soudeep Chatterjee is an Aircraft maintenance student and a passionate aviator, Soudeep also has an interest in industries related to aviation and is an Aviation blogger


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